VIA® Release Notes 2023.11-03 Release
This documentation provides information on all of the changes, new features, and improvements that are available in the 2023.11-03 Release and is subject to change and updates through November 30th, when the release reaches GA.
Platform Feature Enhancements
VIA® Portal
General Features and Improvements
Parade - BookNow Reservation: Dispatcher assigned to load.
CrimsonLogic: Border Crossing - Add & Maintain Crew Entries for ACE (medpid) - Use countryCode.
P44 for Brokerage (Load Tracking: Truckload) - Carrier Contacts.
P44 for Brokerage - Dropdown Options - Add Contact Type.
Web Mapper - Add sidebar and folder support to files page.
Dropdown Options - Equipment Type - Add Has Capacity Checkbox.
Web Mapper - Add/Delete Map Element/Segments
Platform Fixes / Defects Resolved
Update Load Tender using old stop data short term fix.
Integration Endpoints and CustomFields can be set as null through the API.
Partner Networks - Board Permission: Add Card.
User is unable to open order cards from the workspace view.
VIA Ramps - The "Users" field (that is used to define if a given ramp triggers or not) needs to be moved to the top of that section.
Admin | Dropdown options | Pagination Retrained Between Dropdown Options Pages.
Route Planner - Shift Start/End That Goes Over Midnight Causes An Error.
Ascend Companies are Created with a companyCode that is a number instead of a string.
Users Unable to open Templates from sidebar.
QBO: Sync Invoices - Accessorials Not Coming Into QBO.
VIA Admin - Partner Networks - User Can’t add Bill-to Relationships to existing Partner Networks