Customizing Geofencing
By default, the geofences around a location will be based on a setting in the board administration screen (Admin->Boards->Default Radius(mi)). If you have not customized this value your default setting should be a standard radius of .25 miles around any given location. If you have locations that require a customized geofence you can define specific geofence locations on a location by location basis using the following instructions:
Navigate to the card you want to alter a geofence for. You can get to the card using filters, searching or just clicking on the card in your list.
When the card is open click on the globe icon on the top right side of the card
This will open the map view and you should see your location. If your location is not zoomed in already use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom into your location on the map.
Once you have zoomed in you can click on the globe icon in the slideout menu on the right side of the screen and make sure Geofences is toggled to ON
The existing geofence will appear around your location. If you have not edited the geofence before it will appear as a circle around the location.
To edit the geofence click on the edit geofence button on the top left side of the screen
When you click this button your geofence will disappear and the Edit Geofence button will be replaced with three additional buttons: Save Geofence, Clear Geofence and Cancel Geofence. To start you need to draw a new geofence around your location. Start by clicking on your map to place a geofence marker on your map. When you click on your map a 1 icon will appear. Continue doing this around your location to draw a custom geofence. For example, I have replaced the large circular geofence with a smaller polygon that just captures the location and driveway.
I can make the geofence any shape I can draw and any size. For example, if I wanted the geofence to trigger once the truck pulled into the street my location is I can expand out my geofence
If you are happy with your new geofence you can press the Save Geofence button and the image you have drawn over your location will be saved as the new geofence. If you have made a mistake and want to create a new geofence you can click on Clear Geofence and the geofence will blank out and you can start over again. If you want to cancel the process and revert back to whatever the geofence was when you started this process click on cancel geofence.