VIA® Release Notes 2022.1 Release
This documentation provides information on all of the changes, new features, and improvements that are available in the 2022.1 Release and is subject to change and updates through March 19 when the release reaches GA.
Platform Feature Enhancements
VIA® Portal
General Features and Improvements
We’ve Enhanced our Rating Capabilities (Matrix tables allow users to define breaking points and work with either Best or Max value Rates)
A NEW native integration allows companies to define Rates based on Diesel Prices (differentiating by Diesel type and/or Regions)
NEW Workspaces capabilities (such as search options, card creation directly from Grids, multi-selection, drag and dropping, list filtering and more!)
A NEW Workspace Widget allows users to embed PowerBI Reports
We’ve added Trailer search to our easy to use Resource Search (that helps users to locate required resources based on multiple conditions while working on any given Load)
A new feature will allow automated assignment of the Bill-To company based on the Billing Type and the different stops in the Order
Redesigned our Card Search window to a more friendly presentation of the search results
New Card-type Custom Field (this allows referencing cards from virtually anywhere)
NEW Custom Fields Regex (format) validation
NEW Board to Board PDF Template configuration (allowing companies to have document' templates specific to certain Order Boards)
Support for Cube to Weight conversion and calculation
Enhanced support to Canadian Zip Codes lookup.
Added Support for Non-Asset (foreign) Trailers
NEW Taxes calculations (Taxes will be calculated and shown on Invoices). Locations can be set as Taxable or not
We continue adding visual aids to simplify VIA’s use
Commodity/Freight Items definition has been expanded to include new properties (helping companies to predefine the items' characteristics and reuse that definition throughout the system):
There is a whole new section for Hazardous information (dedicated to maintain the UN Hazardous standard list).
Added support to un-split a trip while working
Improved capabilities for the Segment Builder tool (allowing users to Add or Remove Orders from existing Segments)
We’ve expanded our logs to help troubleshoot integrations, quote ratings, geofencing/tracking, and more.
New Fields for Quotes: Billing Type and Service Level. By adding the Service Type field to the Price Details, we can now have the Rating process to follow the Service Type Rule (just as it does on Orders).
VIA Native Geo-Fencing is now available (minimizing dependencies from third-party systems)
VIA® Mobile
Enhanced support to certain activities to be performed while off-line.
Added Support for Notifications for new Conversation Messages on Mobile
VIA® Platform
New trigger for Mobile automation (drivers' logins and logouts)
New triggers for Stop Addition, Removal and Updates
Added support to prevent Ramps to trigger or be triggered by other Ramps (preventing cascading)
Added new filters to limit Ramps from being triggered (just for certain users or certain field updates, etc.)
We continue adding NEW Endpoints to expand VIA Native API capabilities (for seamless system-to-system communication without an integration layer in the middle)
Added End-points to our API to send GPS positions for Trucks, Drivers and Trailers
Moved the API sub-system to its own servers
Platform Fixes / Defects Resolved
Fixed issue preventing Custom Geo-Fences from being saved in Locations
Fixed issue that prevented attachments (added from an incoming email) to be removed from a card
Fixed issue that prevented imported Geo-Fences to be set as null objects
Fixed issue for cards created from emails to show a proper/valid creator.
Fixed Issue that prevented the Mobile app to recover properly after loosing network connectivity
Fixed issue that prevented logging certain events (such as removing resources from loads).
Updates in VIA’s look and feel to have a more standardized experience throughout the different platform sections .
Fixed Issue that allowed creating tasks with different card types' Custom Fields
Fixed Issue that allowed locations to be created without a default Location Name
Fixed Issue that prevented recalculating a Billing Total after adding new accessorials to the Order
Fixed Issue that prevented the Action button at the Stop level to be refreshed
Fixed issue that prevented some dropdown options to be Excluded
Fixed issue that prevented an API Key to be copied to the Clipboard