VIA® Release Notes 2023.12-01 Release
This documentation provides information on all of the changes, new features, and improvements that are available in the 2023.12_01 Release and is subject to change and updates through December 14th, when the release reaches GA.
Platform Feature Enhancements
VIA® Portal
General Features and Improvements
Rating: FCA Integration - Get FuelSurcharge from API
P44 for Brokerage (Load Tracking: Truckload) - Admin - Create Integration Groups
P44 for Brokerage (Load Tracking: Truckload) - Create Integration Group Data Standard
Get External button for attachments should indicate "Get Additional" instead of "Get External"
Route Planner - Capacity - Trailers - Add Capacity Fields
Web Mapper - Keyboard navigation for tree lists
Public API - Trucks - Add Truck Dimensions & Truck Mass to PUT & POST Endpoints
VIA Private API - Retain ETA Tracking data formatting on updates
Jobs - Use a cache when running Ramps
Platform Fixes / Defects Resolved
Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined in buildCarrierIntegrationPayload
Cannot read property 'arrivalTime' of undefined
New Carriers should get the corresponding system state based on the status field.
GeTS Integration - Integration Settings - Ramp Selections Reset in UI on Refresh
Tripstatus does not show and dropdown doesn't load when you refresh the page with a card open
Cannot use 'in' operator to search for <Field Name> in null
R&L integration. PRO#'s are disappearing from reference numbers
Fields not added to a stop at create cannot be added later during an update over the private API
Cannot read property '_id' of undefined from private API "orders/:id/stops/:stopIndex"
estimateArrivalTime has error Cannot read property 'arrivalTime' of undefined
Trucks - Going to attributes tab doesn't hide the capacity section
Ramp validation finds the user needlessly causing extra db lookups
The Date/Time fields (such as the requested dates/times or scheduled date/times) will change to just show the times
Web Mapper - Created Elements not put under appropriate segments
Route Planner - Error When Attached Truck Has Attribute With No Expiration
Unable to drag and drop lists
When deleting partner networks - the popup verification screen does not disappear
Route Planner - Attributes - Error When Spaces Present
Public API - Orders/Segments - Search Limit Not Working
The "content" of a previously opened Ramp is being shown when any other ramp is opened in certain cases
The Synergize integration is showing the same documents after opening different cards
Router - Opening a card/closing a card in list view causes the entire screen to refresh
Carrier Integration - Ward Trucking - Reference Numbers Adding Over and Over
Cannot read property 'CompanyId' of undefined
RMIS Carrier Sync Job Error - url must be absolute and start with http:// or https://
Carrier Sync jobs are being created for integrations that don't support it
Load Tender Job Cannot read property 'findIndex' of null