Viewing and Completing Tasks
You can see how many tasks you have active and completed at any time.
Looking at the screen shot above, you can see that there are a total of 3 tasks. One of the tasks have been completed so the task summary reads 1/3 - One task completed and three task total. The next active task will appear on the card face for card level tasks. If all of the tasks at the card level are complete the task section of the screen would still show the counter but the view would be empty. To see all the tasks for any of the task types click on the summary section of the task section. This will open a listing of all the tasks ordered by active and completed.
As you can see on the screen shot above; while you cannot see the completed tasks when looking at the main task section of the screen; the completed task does still show in the task detail screen. You can complete the list of tasks that you see in the list in any order. Depending on the type of task you are dealing with, the method of completion may be different. Below is a list of how to complete each type of task.
Reminder Task
To complete the reminder task click on the >| button.
Confirmation Task
There are three options to complete the task above. The first button >| gives you the option to skip the task altogether. NOTE: If you task is setup as a required task you will not have this button. The green checkbox is a confirmation yes and the red x is a confirmation deny. For example, if you had to confirm if the freight was skidded; you would choose the green arrow if the freight was on a skid and the red x if the freight was loose.
Timer Task
The first button >| gives you the option to skip the task altogether. NOTE: If you task is setup as a required task you will not have this button. The second button that looks like a green stop watch will start the timer. When you start the timer, the task screen will change to below
you will be able to see the timer increment and when you have finished with the task you can click on the red stopwatch. For example, if you have to keep track of wait time, you can click on the start timer (green stopwatch) when you arrive at the consignee. When you are offloaded and you want to stop the timer click on the red stopwatch and the system will move the card to the completed list and store the wait time you entered.
Action Task
The first button >| gives you the option to skip the task altogether. NOTE: If you task is setup as a required task you will not have this button. When you click on the green arrow button on the screen the action that you have defined in the task setup will occur. For example, if the task requires a document to be uploaded. Clicking on the green action button will open up the windows explorer so that you can choose a file to upload.
Prompt Task
The first button >| gives you the option to skip the task altogether. NOTE: If you task is setup as a required task you will not have this button. The fields that appear on the resulting screen will be determined by the type of prompt that you have configured. For example, if you have created a custom field called remaining floor space to show how much room is left on the trailer. You can add that in as a prompt task. When the driver presses the prompt button they will be asked to fill in the remaining floor space.
When you complete as task or when you skip a task (where allowed) the task will move from the list on the top of the screen into the completed list on the bottom of the screen.