Lists are used to keep data organized in various stages of a process. They can be used to create workflows in which information can be moved across lists from start to finish.
Types of Lists
There are two types of lists in VIA; regular lists and shadow lists. Regular lists are static lists that exist within the board that you are looking at this lists appear as light grey within the board. Shadow lists are dynamic lists that belong to other boards but are shared on your specific board.
Regular List
Regular lists display data from within the board you are working in.
Shadow List
Shadow lists contain data located in other similar boards within your via system. Shadow lists are useful when you have a number of boards and you would like to consolidate a number of lists on a single board for ease of use. Shadow lists appear as darker grey and will be labelled as shadow lists and provide information on where the data within the shadow lists is located. You can have data from multiple boards located within one shadow list as long as the data within the boards is the same as the board you are working in.