Customizing Boards
Boards can be customized to fit a theme that is appealing to you. You are able to add background images as well as change the header bar's background color. We give you a few presets but you are able to change colors/background at any time as long as you are a Board Admin.
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Go to the Board that you would like to customize
- Click on the Menu Icon
- Select Board Admin from the menu to navigate to the Admin section for the board you are currently accessing. This menu option will only be available if you are an administrator on that board.
- Modify the display and theme preferences for the board as you see fit to meet your needs. You can change the background to "brand" the board, the color to have meaning as to purpose, and category to organize the home menu.
- Item 1 - Modify the background image or picture. You should use an image that fits your preferred screen resolution. You can click the "X" to remove the background image as well.
- Item 2 - Set the description for the board as to its purpose, or other general instructions. This text is displayed at the top of the board to the right of the title.
- Item 3 - Set the board category. This category is used to organize the boards into groups on the home screen.
- Item 4 - Set the Board Color. Use color to visually indicate board purpose, or grouping. The color selected here also affects any Mobile application access.
- Below the color selection part of the configuration screen you will find the activity filter configuration section. Each card in the system (regardless of type) stores the actions that happen on the card. For example, when a card is moved from one ramp to another, if a reference number is added to the card or if a ramp has triggered on the card. These options are organized into groups suck as Cards, ramps, stops etc. Some boards may not have all the same options in this section. For example, location cards will not have any options for Stops or tracking as neither of these options apply to location cards.
Type Specific Board Settings
There are some additional board setting that can be configured in the admin section of the system. The setting may change depending on the type of board you are viewing.
Location Settings- Order and Segment Boards
Order, segment and Quote boards all have sections to add unknown locations. The auto add location setting will automatically add a new customer location if it does not already exist in your VIA system. If you select Yes to this option, you will need to define the board and list you want the cards to be added to.
Mobile Communications Options - Order and Segment Boards
Order and segment boards have additional settings that control the geofences, including how you want the system to react when a mobile device crosses a geofence and the default radius of the geofences around a location. You can also setup board specific mobile settings such as if you want the background image to appear on the mobile device, the role you want the mobile device to assume when a driver is looking at a card on the board and the position of the screen itself on the mobile device.
- Auto Arrive/Depart - This option allows you to determine what will happen when a truck crosses a geofence related to your order/segment. Your options are explained below:
- Off - The system is manual, it will never automatically arrive or depart a stop when you cross the geofence
- On - The system will automatically arrive and depart the load as the geofences are crossed ** it is possible for the drivers to manually arrive or depart the stops with this option selected
- Prompt - When the truck crosses the geofence the display will prompt the driver to arrive or depart the stop. The Prompt time field in this section determines how long after crossing the geofence the prompt will appear. The Prompt Timeout option in this section determines how long the prompt will stay on the screen before it disappears.
- Locked - This option will not allow the drivers to manually send any status updates. They will all have to be sent automatically as the truck passes through the geofences.
- Allow out of order stops - If the driver is able to deliver or pickup the order in a different sequence than what is planned on the card select yes to this option.
- Default Radius - While it is possible to configure the geofence around a location to be a special size or shape most geofences will be enclosed with a standard circle. This setting will determine the radius of that circle will be in miles.