Creating a Workspace View on a Board

Creating a Workspace View on a Board

There are different ways to view the data in your boards. In this page, we will walk through how to see your data in a workspace view. This KPI view of your data will allow you to view your data in grids, graphs, map and other views that work best for your business. in addition to creating workspaces we will also look at how to edit workspaces within the VIA system. For more information on the different views within the VIA boards click Here

Security Considerations:

In order for you to see workspaces, you need to be assigned to a role within the board that has the following role setting checked off within the workspaces section of the roles screen.


In order to be able to see the workspaces you will need to have the View Workspace checkbox selected

To create and edit, or delete workspaces you would need to have the corresponding checklist items selected within your role setting.

Accessing The Workspace View:

To access your workspace view, open the board you want to look at, click on the view change dropdown on the top right section of the screen and select workspace. If you don not have a default workspace defined, the view will just open blank. Any existing workspaces that you have access to will show up in the dropdown located on the top center of the screen. You can set any workspace page that you have available to you as your default by clicking on Make Default. If you set a default, the next time you load the view, your defaulted page will automatically appear.


Creating a New Workspace

You can select the + to the right of the workspace dropdown screen to see a list of all the add options. To create a new workspace; click on the + and select New Workspace.

NOTE: If you have an existing workspace that you would like to start with (perhaps some of the existing widgets or grid headers you would like in a new workspace) you can click on Copy Workspace and then you can make changes to your new workspace.


Once you select new workspace you will be asked to give your new workspace a title. You will also be asked if you want to make your workspace public or private. Private workspaces mean that only the person who created the workspace will be able to see it. A public type workspace will allow for anyone who has the security setting checked to view workspaces to be able to see the workspace.

Press ‘Add’ when you are done to create your blank workspace.

Your workspace will open blank. You will need to add widgets onto the workspace with your data. To add a new widget, click on the + button again (make sure your workspace name is showing in the dropdown at the top of the screen), and select New Widget.

Give your widget a title. The title that you enter will appear on the top left of the widget when you are looking at your workspace. Below the title field, you will see the widget type dropdown list. The following options are available from this list:

  • Grid - This is the most common type of widget. It will display of detailed list of rows and columns representing your data.

  • Chart - A chart widget will allow you to see your data in a visual representation. There are 4 types of charts available: Column, line, donut and counter.

Map - A map gave give you a visual representation of your data overlaid on a map. The map widget can be either stand alone (showing all records on your current board) or connected to a grid widget on your workspace. If you connect the map, when you click on a line within your grid, the map will drill down to show that specific load.

Embed - This widget will allow you to display a website on your workspace.

Report - If you have a power BI created and would like to display the report within your workspace, you can setup the report as a widget type. In this way, you can see your report in the same screen as other relevant data.

Timeline - This type of widget will allow you to display your data in a timeline format. This type of widget will only be able to be applied to boards that are of the following type: order, segment, driver.

Once you have given your widget a name and selected a type; the widget will appear on your workspace. You will need to configure the widget so that your desired data will appear. In the next section we will look at some of the settings. NOTE: Not all the setting will be available on all the widgets as some are type specific.

Common Configuration Options


  • Title: This is where you can change the name of your widget. When you first create the widget, you would have given it a name; however, if you need to amend the name, you can find that setting here.

  • Auto Refresh: Every widget has a refresh icon located on the top right side of the widget. If you would like to have the system auto refresh the widget select this checkbox. NOTE: this could effect performance on widgets that store large amounts of data.


Each type of widget other than Enbed will allow the user to apply filters to the data displayed in the widget. This filter section works the same as the advance filter that appear in the side menu when you are looking at a board.


The first field allows you to select which field you would like to filter off. The second drop down is the comparison condition and the third is what you would like to filter too. There are some additional options depending on what field you choose to filter by. For example, if you are filtering by a date field then you can choose a relative to condition. For example, Scheduled Delivery Start is relative to yesterday. If you choose a filter based on an ‘attached card’ such as attached customer, or attached driver, you will have to search for the related card. Below the filter criteria you will see options for and / or. If you are entering multiple filter criteria you will need to ensure that you stipulate one or the other. For example:

All Loads delivering into NY AND all loads that are in a New Status

will return different results compared with

All Loads delivering into NY OR all loads that are in a New Status

You would get substantially more results if you were to use the OR options above


The delete option gives users the ability to remove the widget. You will need to confirm the deletion after you select delete.


This option will save the changes you have made. NOTE: None of the settings will save automatically and you will need to save whatever changes are made when you are done.

Grid Specific Settings:


  • Board: Enter in the board that you want to link the widget to. It is important to note that not all board types are supported by all widgets. For example, timeline widgets only allow you to choose boards that are of type driver, order or segment.

  • List: You can stipulate specific lists that you want to show in the widget. You can also select all lists to bring in all the card data. You can always filter down the data using the filter setting; however, this list option will allow you to bring in only specific data upon loading.


  • If your widget is a grid type widget, you can specify the column headings that you would like to see in the widget. The most commonly used headings appear at the top of this section. Check off the heading names that you want to include in the grid.

Below the list of common headings you will see a section for any custom defined fields your company has defined for the specific type of board you are configuring. If you have no custom defined fields for this board type, the section will be blank. NOTE: Custom defined fields are configured in the administration screen under custom defined fields.

There is also an opportunity to manually add a field, if it is not listed in either of the above sections and you know the field name. To manually add a column scroll down to the manage headings section and press the + button. Provide a name for the column and enter in the database field name. NOTE: using this option requires that you know the database name of the field (not just how it appears on screen). If you are not sure of the field name please contact support who can assist.


Heading Organization and formatting: Below the heading definition sections you will find a list of all the headings that you have defined. You can drag the headings into the order you would like to have them appear. You can also click on the edit button for any field to change the field name and apply a formatting option if applicable. For example, you can format date columns and numbers columns to appear however they are required.


This section will allow the grid to be sorted by a specific column in either ascending or descending order.


Map Specific Configuration Settings

Map Mode


A map can either be Connected which means it is connected to another widget on your workspace, or it can be set to current board. If you add a filter to the widget that would be applied to the map in addition to the connection you are establishing.

Map Settings


The settings that appear in this section are similar to the settings you would find in the map view of VIA. You There are check boxes to overlay the following:

  • Route Lines - the route that the load was expected to have taken

  • Tracking Points - If you assigned resource has been submitting position reports then checking this option would show the position reports.

  • Geofences - If you want to see the geofences that appear around your stop locations, checking this option off will display either the default geofence, or the amended geofence that has been defined

  • Satellite view default - If you check this off then the map will default in a satellite view.

  • Tracking Resolution - If you choose to show the tracking points on the map, this interactive setting will allow you to display a specific amount of points. To see more points, drag the blue circle to the right of the box, to show less, drag the blue circle to the left.

Connected To

If you have selected ‘connected’ in the map mode section above you would need to select which grid the map is linked to. Once you make your selection, clicking on a line in the grid would result in the map filtering down to that record.

Chart Settings


This section would be where you decide what type of display your data in.

Each of these types of charts are best suited for different purposes:

Column Chart - Compare Categories or groups

When to Use:

  • To show comparisons between discrete items (loads by state or orders by commodity)

  • It is best for showing relative sizes or frequencies

Line Chart - Show Trends over time or continuous data

  • Used to display changes or patterns over intervals (weight over a month)

  • when you want to highlight trends or relationships in time-series data

  • best for datasets with a sequential or chronological order

Donut Chart - Show proportions or percentages of a whole

  • To represent parts of a whole in a visually appealing way

  • works best with a small number of categories (3-6) to avoid clutter

  • Use sparingly for high-level overviews rather than detailed analysis

Counter - Highlight a single key metric

  • To emphasize a specific number (total number of loads or total drivers)

  • When you want to draw attention to a key kpi or a headline statistic

  • best where a quick, at-a-glance informative widget is essential

Chart Configuration

Depending on the chart you select, your configuration may be different; however, regardless of the type of chart you choose, you will have to show the count you are looking to display in your chart. There are also options for forcing the start at 0 (or starting the chart at the lowest value), show the legend etc.

Embed Configuration

URL Setting

This setting is where you would enter in the web link that you want to display within your widget.

Report Configuration

Report Type

This is where you would select the report that you want to display on with widget

Report Filters

If you have an pre existing filters available for the report you can set them here.


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