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This guide will help you get started and familiar with how to use the VIA® Mobile App. 

The Interface


Home tab

The Home screen is the first screen you will see when you open the app. In this screen you can enter in the Trip ID, the Trailer, and the Drivers name. Hitting start will open up the Stops screen which will show Cards related to the Trip ID.

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Stops tab

This screen will show you the current Stops in the Card. Clicking on a Stop will allow you to edit the stop as well as updating the Arrival and Departure times.

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Stop Information Tabs


StopInfo Tab

On the StopInfo screen the driver has the ability to see their next stop destination, edit the trailer information, and update the status of the Card by clicking the Arrive/Depart Stop button.

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Ref# Tab

This is where a Driver can add any reference number that can be added to a Card. This includes:

  • Bill of Lading # - BL

  • Customer Order ID - SID

  • Customer Stop ID - SI

  • Delivery # - DEL

  • Division - DIV

  • Load # - LOAD

  • Order # - ORDER

  • Pick Up # - PICK#

  • PO# - PO#

  • Shipper ID - SH#

  • Shipper Id # - SHIP

  • Trailer # - TRL

  • Trip # - TRP#

This allows the Driver to attach many different types of information to Cards.

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LoadInfo Tab

This Tab allows the Driver to update any information about his current load.

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Notes Tab

This is where the Driver can see any notes that have been added to the Card.

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Messages Tab

This is where the Driver can view and send messages to and from Card. This can allow easier communication between a dispatcher and a driver.

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