✍️ Description
This component can be used to let your customers import data into Via directly from your website without requiring a login.
🔨 Usage
First, you will need to create a Import instance. The import constructor takes 4 parameters.
const importer = new Extend.import(boardId, listId, companyId, embedToken);
BoardId* (string) | ListId* (string) | companyId* (string) | embedToken* (string) |
The Board ID on which you want the cards to be imported to. | The List ID on which you want the cards to be imported to. | Your Company ID | The embed token you obtained from the ‘API Settings’ in your admin dashboard |
With the Import component fully configured, now call open
on the importer to start the import process.
Basic example
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://attachments.viaboards.io/embed/embeds-prod.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> const boardId = "YOUR_BOARD_ID"; const listId = "YOUR_LIST_ID"; const companyId = "YOUR_COMPANYID"; const embedToken = "YOUR_EMBED_TOKEN"; const importer = new Extend.import(boardId, listId, companyId, embedToken); importer.onSuccess((message) => { // Do something with the data here return "Done!"; }); </script> <div id="root"> <button onclick="importer.open()">Open Importer</button> </div>
📲 Callbacks
This will get called anytime the importer is closed by the user or another process.
importer.onClosed((message) => { console.log(message); });
This is fired after the importer iFrame is fully loaded and ready to be displayed to the user.
importer.onLoaded((message) => { console.log(message); });
Any and all errors will be routed to this callback.
importer.onError((message) => { console.log(message); });
Fired when a import process is started.
importer.onProccessing((message) => { console.log(message); });
When the import process is complete we will respond here.
importer.onSuccess((message) => { console.log(message); });