Before you send out driver invitations and start working through trips you will need to spend some time configuring the system to your business needs. This section will go over some setup that should be completed before having your driver’s connect to VIA Mobile.
Where to Access these Settings? The configure the mobile system you will need access to VIA’s administration menu. To open this screen click on your name on the top right side of the VIA screen to open the context menu and choose Admin.
NOTE: If you do not see the Admin option in your menu then you are not setup as an administrator on your system. Contact your system administrator for further assistance.
There are a numbers of areas in the administration screen that can be set for the drivers using VIA Mobile. Let’s look at each of them now:
Role Settings
It is advisable to have a separate role established for your driver’s access to the system. You can click here for more information on setting up a new role to be assigned to your drivers. Within the role screen, there is a setting for Mobile and within this group you can control specific fields that the driver can see or edit
These roles can then be assigned to your drivers at a few levels. Within the Mobile Settings Section there is a field for Permission Role, this would be the default permissions role for the drivers. In the Driver’s section of the admin screen each driver has a column for driver role. Any role that you enter here will override what you have in the mobile settings section. You can also set a permissions role within the board menu for permissions specific to loads that reside on a specific board.
Board Settings
Order and Segment boards store the Geofencing and position report settings for VIA Mobile. NOTE that these settings are only visible on order and segment type boards and must be set individually on each type of board. There are two areas that you can configure for Mobile within the boards menu: Auto Arrive/Depart and Mobile Settings.
Auto Arrive/Depart
In this section, you can configure the geofencing options within the driver’s workflow
There are 4 options for geofencing:
Off - When set to off, the system will not automate the workflow at all. The off option means that arriving and departing stops will have to be done manually by the driver within the app.
On - This setting means that the system will trigger the geofence that is set in either the default Radius field or customized in for a specific customer (click here for more information on customizing). With the setting at on the driver will also have the ability to manually arrive or depart the stop without waiting for the automation.
Prompt - When the option is set to Prompt then the system will offer a combination of automated and manual updates using the Reprompt Time and Prompt Timeout fields within this section. When the driver crosses the geofence that is set in either the default Radius field or customized in for a specific customer (click here for more information on customizing), they will get a prompt popup to ask them if they have arrived/departed their stop. If they do not manually choose to arrive or depart then, after the prompt timeout minutes pass the message will disappear. The message will pop back up again based on the repromt time setting.
Locked - When the option is set to locked it means that the system will be only automated. Stops will be arrived and departed by crossing geofences and the driver will not be able to override the workflow. This setting is similar to On except that when locked, the driver cannot arrive or depart at all.
Allow out of order Stops
This setting will allow the driver to complete the stops out of order from which they were offered. This could be used if a receiver is not ready for a stop, the driver can then move onto the next one and return to the current stop at a later time.
Default Radius
This setting will determine the default size of the geofence around a location. If this field is not changed, the default out of box setting is 0.25 of a mile. You can see the geofence around a location by switching to map view within a load or a customer board and choosing the geofence toggle in the map menu
If you have locations that you do not want to use the default radius for a specific location, you can customize a geofence but defining an area around a location. Click here for more information on customizing geofences.
Auto Arrive First Stop at Same Location
This option can be used to automate the arrival of the first stop if the driver tends to start their trip already at the first stop location. For example, if the driver picks up a load at the terminal and starts their day at the terminal as well, then this setting would auto arrive at the terminal when the trip was started. Then the driver could just depart when they left.