This documentation provides information on all of the changes, new features, and improvements that are available in the 2023.01 Release and is subject to change and updates through January 14th when the release reaches GA.
Platform Feature Enhancements
VIA® Portal
General Features and Improvements
Workspace Widgets. New empty widgets will be bigger to properly show a next action message.
VIA Admin Options. Added new Role Permissions on Resources sections (Driver, Trucks and Trailers) for Terminal details
VIA Email System. Sharing an Attached File now shows who the sender was, and which file was sent (an email-type Note will be added that will show detailed information)
Sales Rep. field on Quotes cards is being changed from an open text field to be a dropdown list
Sales Rep dropdown field for Location Cards
VIA Admin - Dropdown Options: new Sales Representative section
VIA Admin - Role Permissions: Added options for new Sales Rep. fields (read/write) permissions
Geo-Spatial Filtering: Add Terminal geo-location to Driver, Truck, Trailer details
VIA Admin - Logs Options. New Log Entries for Attachments Management
VIA UI - Added options to Editing Filters
VIA UI - Show/Hide the Minimum and Maximum Temperature fields based on the Temperature Controlled flag
VIA UI - Filters: Add Status to selection criteria for Carriers
VIA UI - VIA should show current Carrier Status in mini-card when using the Search bar
Parade Integration - "reference_id" Error When Tendering Segments
VIA UI - Admin section: Change the word Dashboard (in list of Default Board View) for Workspace
Synergize Integration - Show additional information for documents retrieved from integration
VIA Admin - Enable/Disable Users
VIA Authentication - Add an option to Force any user to authenticate using SSO
Orders/Segments - Financial tab: Billing Details changes
Orders/Segments - Financial tab: Cost Section changes
Use Multi Select to Apply labels to multiple cards
Platform Fixes / Defects Resolved
Moving multi selected orders to new board
Route option not working on segment lists
When adjusting a lane card the expiry date blanks out and will not allow you to fill it in
Lists/Card Off-Set Off Left of Screen
LoadBoard Tendering: Tendering not using Company threshold
Copy Workspace | Not aligned properly
Workspace Widget: Provide way to open the segment card with Driver Connected Grid
X days in a Filter for Next Showing as Last
Location card global save opens Add insurance Deductable rule
VIA UI - Filters - 'In List' and 'Not in List' options do not accept multiple options when values come from list of pre-populated options
VIA UI - Admin section: When defining a Default View, Not All Views should be available for all Board Types
VIA UI - Prevent VIA from taking user back to the Lists view when creating a new card from a Workspace/Widget
Synergize Integration - Show message if no document is found for current card/load
Location geofence save shows success but fails to update card
Duplicated Role Settings in the Accessorial Section (Admin Screen)
VIA Rating - Accessorials from Lane Rates are being added every time re-rating occurs
Rating - Pound Rating not working in QA
Workspace: Grid Widget - Select All when Filtered selects entire list not just the items matching filter
Invoices - Taxes Not Showing properly on the cards
Financial Tab - The icon for % and $ seems to not be an icon but is instead a font
Financial Tab - The rules for % margin (i.e. can't be above 99) seem to be applied for both % and $ incorrectly
Financials - Margin %/$ problems
Order/Segment: Financials | Freight Details | Carrier insurance liability field should be ReadOnly
Workspaces - Cannot drag onto a grid
Order Rate Margin Field Not Applying Correct %/$ Setting Initially
When adding an order to segment editor; if you delete a stop in the segment editor it will delete the stop in the order
You can drag orders into Segment Editor which causes issues on the orders