When you setup a partner network you will have to define which role the partner network users will have to your company. For this reason, it is important to make sure that you define a role that will have only the information that you want to have displayed to the partner. The following section to look at some settings that you might want to consider when you are defining roles for your customers and carriers.
By default, when you when you partner network users see VIA® they are viewing the same boards, lists and cards that you and your employees see. You are essentially granting the partner network users access to only their information. Meaning, customers (while they can see your boards) can really only see their cards within the lists. Carriers as well can only see the cards to which they are listed as carriers on.
To create your role you will need to have an idea of what you want your partner networks users to do and what you want them to have access to. Taking the time before you setup the partner network now can save time in the future. Creating a role specific for your partner companies will ensure that they only see the information related to them in any view within the system. For example, within a workspace view, a parent company might see a view such as this:
If you setup your partner network role correctly, they will only be able to see their information. So, the image above would look different for a customer or carrier
Creating a New Role