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Filtering can be used to locate and/or select and move specific cards within a Board. Filtering is different from searching in the system as filtering will only apply the criteria to the current board you are looking at.There are two different types of filtering available: Basic and Advanced Filtering. You can combine each type to make more complex filters.


Refer to the Image on the right for reference to terms

If you notice a Filter Rule will be added below your Included Cards section. These are rules that are currently applied. To remove them Click the "X" Icon to the right of the created rule

Creating a Quick Filter

Quick filters can help to filter information in the board quickly. When you use the quick filter there are some conditions you should be aware of:

  • You cannot use the quick filter to search on a date field
  • When you use the quick filter to search for a text field you will be searching using the contains condition
  • When you use the quick filter to search on a number field the search will be an exact search

Let's use the quick filter to view any cards that are delivering into Georgia.

  • Click on the Filter menu item in the slideout menu located on the right side of the screen. If the menu is hidden clicking on the filter menu item will expand it out. NOTE: If you don't see the filter menu option make sure you are viewing a board in the system. The filter menu item will not display in the home screen or in the administration screen.

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  • Click on the quick filter box and start typing the field you want to search from. As you type, the list of possible fields will shrink. NOTE: The fields that you can use in the filter will be determined by the type of cards that are in your board. For example, if you are viewing a driver board there will not be an Origin State or Trip number field.:
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  • Click on the field that you want to search on. In this example, we will select Destination State.
  • When you select the field you want to search on the field name will appear in the search box with a colon to the right of it. If you type what you want to search by on the right of the colon and press enter the filter will be created. 

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In the screen shot above you can see that the quick filter now reads destinationState:GA and at the bottom of the filter section the search shows that are current (and only) active filter is the destination State has to contain GA. Conversely, all the cards displayed on the board are cards where the destination of the order is GA.


Basic Use

The most basic use of Filtering is to filter specific Labels for viewing desired Cards. This will require that you have Cards with Labels on your Board. We will be using the "Include Cards" filter.

Click the Filter Button
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Change the "Filter Variable" to the desired Variable that you would like. For now try Labels.
Keep the "Variable Comparison" to "Is Exactly".
Choose the Label that you would like to show.
  • Click Include Cards.
  • The board will now only show the cards that match the label selected in the "Query".



    Creating an Advanced Filter

    Quick filters are useful when you know the field that you want to search on, and the restrictions on field types will work for you. There are times; however, where you would like to have more control over the types of filters you are creating or the type of field you want to search on. Let's use the advanced filter option to filter on scheduled pickup date. 

    • Click on the Filter menu item in the slideout menu located on the right side of the screen. If the menu is hidden clicking on the filter menu item will expand it out. NOTE: If you don't see the filter menu option make sure you are viewing a board in the system. The filter menu item will not display in the home screen or in the administration screen.

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    • Click on the + beside the advanced filter option to expand out the advanced filter section:

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    • This will expand out the advanced filtering section. This section is made up of three sections:

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    • The first field will define the field that you want to search on. There will be fields in this list that do not appear in the quick filter option discussed above. For this example, we will choose Stop Scheduled Earliest. Note that when I choose to filter on a date field the search box will change slightly.

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    • You can select an exact date, greater than or less than or you can select a between clause. For this example, lets choose between at which point you will now have two date fields. Let's look as the last seven days. I will enter in the starting and ending date the press add filter.

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    • The filter condition shows which dates the board is currently filtering on. If I want to remove the filter I can do that by pressing the X to the right of the filter on the bottom of the screen shot.


    Advanced Use

    There are some more advanced uses with the Filtering Tool. For example you can set up Multiple rules, Save Filters, and Load Filters when needed.


    Multiple Rules

    Setting up Multiple Rules is an easy and useful function. To set up Multiple Rules simply click the "Include CardsAnd" or "Exclude Cards" againOr" Condition under the filter specifications . You will see a rule appear below the button that you clicked. You can use this to make your filters more specific.

    "And" Search

    • For this example we will create two different types of filters. The first filter we will create will be for cards that are delivering into Georgia within the last week. This will use two of the filters that we have previously created. You can mix and match quick filters and advanced filters so that is what we will do in this example.
    • Click on the Filter menu item in the slideout menu located on the right side of the screen. If the menu is hidden clicking on the filter menu item will expand it out. NOTE: If you don't see the filter menu option make sure you are viewing a board in the system. The filter menu item will not display in the home screen or in the administration screen.

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    • In the quick filter, type in destination state and select it from the resulting list and then enter in GA to the right of the colon. When you are done press enter. Your screen should look similar to below with the filter displayed under the filter section.

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    • We can expand out the advanced filter, and select the stop scheduled earliest date. Select Between and then in use the two date fields to enter in a range. When you are done press enter and you should have two filters in the list at the bottom. In this example we want to use the And condition since we want all cards delivering into Georgia within the last week so we don't have to change the And/Or section of the filter.

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    Save/Load Filters

    Saving/Loading filters are useful for when you use filters often on a Board. Simply click the drop down arrow near the Filter Button or you can open the Filter Sidebar and select an option from the top of the Menu.


    Selecting Cards

    In the Filter Sidebar Menu you are given the option to select the Cards that fit the filter. Simply fill out or load the filter that you wish to use. Then click the Select button and all Cards that match the filter will be Multi-Selected.


    Include Cards

    Include Cards section of the filtering is used to show only specific Cards in the Board. For example you would use this if you only wanted to see a specific Label in the Board.


    Exclude Cards

    Exclude Cards section of the filtering is used to hide specific Cards in the Board. For example you would use this if you wanted to hide Cards with a specific Label in the Board.

    Variable Comparison
    Variable Comparison


    Variable Comparison

    The "Variable Comparison" selection has five options with very specific rules. You use these five options to run a query against the cards in the Board.


    Is Exactly

    Is Exactly is used to match the "Filter Variable" exactly with the "Query".


    Let's say you want to show all Cards that have a "Title" of Columbus. So in the "Include Cards" section you set the "Variable Comparison" to "Is Exactly" and the "Query" to have "Columbus". The Card above would not show in the Board because the "Title" of the Card Is Not Exactly "Columbus". The title of the Card Is Exactly "16089001 - Springfield To Columbus"


    Is In List

    Is In List is used to match the "Filter Variable" with a comma list in the "Query". Each Item in the list will use the "Is Exactly" rule.


    Let's say you want to show the Cards that are above. To do this you can use the "Is In List" in the "Variable Comparison" list. Then set the "Query" to "16089001 - Springfield To Columbus, 16096008 - Breinigsville to Hicksville". The above cards will then show.


    Is Not Exactly

    Is Not Exactly is used to match "Filter Variable" with Cards that are Not Exactly equal to the "Query".


    Let's say you want to show all Cards that do not have a Red Label. in the "Include Cards" section you can set the "Filter Variable" to "Labels", the "Variable Comparison" to "Is Not Exactly" and the "Query" to the Red Labels. This will now hide all Red Labels because everything that does not have a Red label "Is Not Exactly" a Card with a Red Label. Similarly you can do the same process by going to the "Exclude Cards" sections and change the "Variable Comparison" to "Is Exactly".


    Is Not In List

    Is In Not List is used to match the "Filter Variable" with a comma list that is not in the "Query". Each Item in the list will use the "Is Not Exactly" rule.


    Let's say you want to hide the Cards that are above. To do this you can use the "Is In Not List" in the "Variable Comparison" list. Then set the "Query" to "16089001 - Springfield To Columbus, 16096008 - Breinigsville to Hicksville". The above cards will then be hidden. Similarly you can do the same process by going to the "Exclude Cards" sections and change the "Variable Comparison" to "Is Not In List".



    Contains is used to match "Filter Variable" with Cards that are contained to the "Query".


    Let's say you want to show all Cards that have a "Title" of Columbus. So in the "Include Cards" section you set the "Variable Comparison" to "Is Exactly" and the "Query" to have "Columbus". The Card above would be shown in the Board because the "Title" of the Card contains "Columbus".


    Filter Reference

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