It is possible to use the VIA system can be used to determine the estimated time of arrival for your trucks and if your load will be late, on time or at risk from within the VIA system using the if estimated time of arrival (ETA) calculations. In this page, we will discuss how the ETA works and how it appears within the VIA system.
Note |
NOTE: The ETA functionality within VIA is a paid feature. Please reach out to or your account manager for more information. |
The Basics of ETA in VIA Extend
The ETA process for a load is triggered once the first GPS position for the load is logged or the first stop is arrived. Once that happens the ETA to the next stop and final stop of the Load are calculated. As new positions and events occur the ETA will be updated on a 5-minute cycle to reflect new times. Once a stop on a load has been arrived or completed, the system will update the ETA even if no new position is logged because the system will assume the truck is at the stop location.
Stops in Via Extend have a field called “Estimated Duration”. This field represents how long a truck is expected to spend at a stop and will be taken into account when calculating ETA.
ETA in the UI
Configuring ETA
The Company Settings in your Via Extend will allow you to adjust the windows of time that are used to determine which ETA statuses should be applied. You can find these settings by clicking your user icon in the top right, clicking Admin, and then selecting Company on the left hand menu. On this page you will find two settings that apply to ETA:
Stop Arrive Early Window
This field will allow you to set a number of minutes that a truck can arrive before a scheduled stop and still be considered On-Time. If the truck is expected to arrive earlier than that but not earlier than twice the value you set before the scheduled stop then they will be considered At Risk of being early. If they are calculated to arrive earlier than twice the number of minutes you set, then they are considered Earlyby the ETA system.
Stop Arrive Late Window
This field will allow you to set a number of minutes that a truck can arrive after a scheduled stop and still be considered On-Time. If the truck is expected to arrive later than that but not later than twice the value you set after the scheduled stop then they will be considered At Risk of being late. If they are calculated to arrive later than twice the number of minutes you set, then they are considered Late by the ETA system.