Platform Fixes / Defects Resolved
isAllowedOnPartnerBoard Error.
Load tenders that don't expire should stop the job.
Investigate MontiAPM Alarms.
VIA UI - 2FA error message appears after logging out of VIA in certain cases.
Remove PRE Proing from TNL REST API Intergration.
Logs - Integration Logs - "Created At" & "Finished At" Always Show Current Datetime.
Route Planner - SingleSegmentPerDriver Causes RouteDistanceFromStart to be 0.
VIA Ramps - Ramp Actions will not load if certain dropdown options don't have at least one enabled option.
Order/Segments - Dromo Import - No Stop Created if Company Name is Blank.
Fixed issue with 500 Error Message When Using General Search for a Board Type Not in Tenant.
VIA UI - The VIA login page keeps showing a spinning icon when opened until browser is refreshed (preventing user from logging in).
System Admin - Board Administration Button Routes Incorrectly in QA.
User can see partner templates they are not assigned to.