VIA® Mobile R3 - Entirely updated version of the VIA® Mobile application. Release 2 will remain available and compatible with the system for customers that do not wish to move to the new version. Release 2 is unchanged from the previous release.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Authentication - Added a completely new authentication system that allows drivers to signup themselves and manage their own login. Drivers are able to log into the system without any loads assigned to them.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Multi-company Support - Added ability for a driver to be able to associate with more than one company to allow assignment of loads into their mobile application.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Task System Support - Added full support for the task system to allow drivers to utilize the Task system. Drivers can be reminded of things, asked for confirmation, prompted for additional data entry, and many other use cases. Drivers cannot progress pass a task if it is marked as required by the system.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Available Loads - Added new Available Loads feature to allow drivers to see load that are open / offered and available for them to take nearby or in the vicinity.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Start Trip - Added new Start Trip functionality which clearly indicates when a driver has started a particular load in the system.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Dark Mode Support - Added support for a Dark Mode which is easier on the eyes at night time.
VIA® Mobile R3 - Redesigned UI - Made the UI more intuitive by providing footer based controls that indicate the next step more clearly.